We got an early start for our long drive to the North Woods of Wisconsin. Mom and Dad tried to transport a sleeping Harry into the car at 5 a.m. in hopes of getting some driving hours in while the babies slept, but no such luck. He woke right up. If there are cars and trucks on the road, Harry can't sleep!
Eating a picnic lunch during one of our many rest stop breaks. Baby Max did not like the car ride at all. Thus, an 8 hour drive took 9.5 hours.
This is how dirty he got within a few hours of vacation. The washcloth is black. I love vacation playing. He basically played until he passed out each day.
Bathing in the cabin sink, of course.
"That's MY Papa!" all three boys say at once.
This is proof that balance exists in the universe. Steve spent two decades with three girls in his house, now he has three boys to keep him busy.
HI! Look what I can do!
Baby Max at his first bonfire.
Harry liked roasting the marshmallow, but still kept with his aversion to sweets and refused to eat the s'more!
Sitting with Uncle Aaron while everyone sings Harry's favorite songs -- "Bake a cake" and "The Froggy song."
Fishing with Daddy on "Kenzie Lake."
He also spent a good portion of the day keeping tabs on the loons that live on the lake. Ask him to do his loon call next time you see him.
Not too thrilled with the result of his fishing efforts.
Trying hard to be brave on the boat ride. He was a bit freaked out, but tried not to show it.
Harry wasn't too much of a fan of swimming in the lake, what with the sand and the rocks and fish. We have a city boy there.
Action shot.
"You'll be just fine, baby James, as long as you keep your hands off my trucks."
Morning with Papa
Early morning walk with Uncle Joe
I like this vacation thing.